What Happens When a White Person Talks About Race?

Chris Armstrong
4 min readMay 15, 2019

Two weeks ago, I shared an announcement on Facebook about a speaking engagement I am co-headlining which focuses on creating more opportunities for women of color. Fifteen minutes later, I received a message that read: “Good for you. As a white person, I can tell you that I’ve gotten nothing but headache every time I’ve tried to talk to black people about race. You must have the juice.”

Frankly, I wasn’t surprised by his response. After all, I’ve observed this before; white people being dismissed or criticized for talking about race. But like most things in this world, there are details that paint a more complete picture. As such, I decided to ask him some follow-up questions.

  1. When you say ‘headache’, what did that look like?
  2. When you say ‘every time’, how many times have you found yourself talking to ‘black people’ about race and what has been the context of the discussions?
  3. When you are not doing the talk, what are you doing to help the cause?
  4. Are you presuming that ‘black people’ are the only people that will be in the audience?
  5. What do you mean by ‘juice’?

As my questions turned into discussions and several pounds of frustration on his end, a few things became painfully clear to me. First and foremost…



Chris Armstrong

A culture and diversity-to-belonging facilitator and assessor, focused on changing hearts and minds so that we can change the culture.